Thursday 29 January 2009

: )

It's odd how much a few words on a little screen make you smile.

Wednesday 28 January 2009


I'm unsure if I did it because I wanted to, or just to prove I could...

Oooh, being all cryptic there.

Monday 26 January 2009


all my best friends have better friends and all their better friends probably want me to fuck off.

I've finally figured out how to tell whether you'll speak to me properly online too, I look to see if she's online. Or he's online in her case. And him for him. Another her for her though...

Well... aren't I cool?

Thursday 15 January 2009




I could like... write about feelings. But... I don't want to. No one'll read this anyway.

Well, Sketch might... huh. Hi if she does.

Though that may be the exact reason I shoudl write about those fabulous things peopel feel and stuff. Because no one'll read it. So it'd be all hidden and no one would really know.

But, I still can't be bothered to write about feelings and stuff. Because... I have nothing interesting to write about. Except maybe "I feel cold".

And I can't be bothered to check if my radiator is on.

I must say, it's very easy to just talk to yourself. But that's probably just because I talk to myself a lot in my head, and right now I'm just typing down what my mind is saying.

I really should make more friends. I have, like, two.

And I'm really weird because I only consider someone a friend once I know for sure they consider me a friend. Because other wise I get all paranoid that they'll get pissed off that I think they're my friend. Because I am such a lameface. :D

And my fingers are still silver from that damn loft insulation packaging. That thing was nearly as big as me and I was lugging it around B&Q earlier. The guy at the till looked really weirded out when I dumped it down near him and almost fell over.

Yeah, I'm kinda getting bored of writing my thoughts now. My thoughts have to slow down when I type them. I can't type as fast as I think.

So, nothing more to say.

Oh, might lose my job though. Which sucks, because so many shops have closed down that everyone needs a job. So I won't be able to get another one. And my parents will probably be angry.

Yeah, uh, bye?!