Tuesday 24 November 2009


Haven't done one of these in a while.
Ah well. Not like anyone pays attention to them.

Haha, came here with the intention of writing something interesting, I now realise I have nothing interesting to say. Meh. I'm sure whoever's reading this, if anyone, will get over it.

If not, then I'm not sorry I wasted your time. So nyeah.

Might cover the few basic blog topics though.

What I've been up to lately? A whole lot of nothing. Doing things one who has recently turned 18 does. Like purchasing alcohol and getting tattoos. And getting behind on school work, though that's not really age defined.

What am I feeling? Meh, same as always, pretty much just roll with it and don't let too much bother me. Over analysing stuff is overrated anyway. And trying to explain how I feel in deep dark metaphors? Lol, fuck that, if I were feeling bummed out thinking about how to portray it poetically wold probably make me feel worse.

Uhm, what else do people talk about?

Loser things about myself I've recently noticed? I can talk for far too long about Mello. Haha. And... and... and... uhr. Am too in love with Lord of the Rings. LOTR tattoo soon though! Hell yeah!

I also wanna buy some throwing knives. Maybe in a few weeks / months when I've brought everyone christmas stuff and can afford it though, heh.

Now I can't think of anything more. So I'mma guess I shall say bye bye.

Bye bye!

1 comment:

Susieeeee said...

Lordy me, you're old enough to buy knives now?!