Thursday 12 February 2009


Today just seems to be a day of blogging. Well, for the other two people I actually check the blogs of anyways... yes...

They're two rather nice people, whom may read this. May not, but, ya know, probably will.

I sholdn't even be doing this right now. I should be doing the English project that I have to present tomorrow and have had three weeks to do but haven't started it yet.
... I'll do it in my free tomorrow morning...

In the past week I've, once again, felt like a right bitch who leads people on. But hey-ho, he didn't seem to care. I hope. Ah well.

I really should actually... do something too. Rather than sit around, staring at a screen and waiting for somethign that really isn't that great to happen. Might write some more in the holidays, do some drawing, I haven't drawn anything in ages.

But knowing me I'll just be sat at my laptop, staring at the screan, waiting for someone else to entertain me rather than entertain myself.


Oh, it's friday 13th tomorrow. Crazy. Me and Em'll probably end up slumped in my front room, maybe with a couple of other people, maybe not. But hey ho. Might just sit around and eat crap and not really care about it at the time, then worry about it a few days later when our skin comes up shit and we feel like crap for binging.

Em has more self control than me though, so I may be alone doing that...

Oooh, might get some nice ice cream...


I should STFU now. Go to sleep because I can never get myself up in the morning. Oh woe is me.

Heh. Yeah, uhm...

So long and goodnight?


sof. said...

Ah, sitting at your laptop waiting for someone else to entertain you is always good...

regrout. that's a fucking weird one.

T.M.J said...

Popcorn, chips and fried chicken.
Self control FTW!


Besides. I'm so totally dragging you out on...tuesday. ^__^


is that even a word?!
