Saturday 28 February 2009


Just. Fucking. Stop it.

Stop whining. Stop obsessing. Stop bitching.


I'm sick of your excuses, they're pathetic. Fuck that, they're not even proper excuses. They're not real. It's because you're lazy. Because it didn't work at first, you didn't get the attention you claimed you didn't want at first, you give up and go back to your old ways.

It's pissing me off.

I'm supposed to fucking like you, it's supposed to be programmed into me, but I can't. Every time it try to talk to you there's a niggling in the back of my mind reminding me of all the lies you've told, of all the stupid and pathetic things you've done.

I think I used to like you, some when, but now it's gone. Upped and left.

Maybe you wouldn't be so fat is you stopped eating all the crisps you do, the cake adn ice cream. Just fucking stop.

Maybe you wouldn't have so little friends if you actually tried. How do you think the rest of us get through the world? We fake it. All the time, no one's real, if we all saw who we really were than we'd hate each other. Imagine that, the entire human race, disgusted at what each other are, at what we've become. We're hideous so we hide it. Why don't you do the same? Suck it up and try to be fucking normal, I don't give a shit about what happened in the past, I know it's not helped who you are now, but you could at least try god damn it.

And maybe you wouldn't be so damn annoying if you stopped obsessing. Seriously. The only thing I can ever talk to you about is your latest obsession, I think it's a film right now. Just... there are other things in life for fucks sake. Other things to talk about, I don't like sitting there awkwardly as you go on and on about a certain person because that's the only thing you like.

It's just stupid.

You fucking fail.

I fucking fail.

You need to stop shouting, stop getting so pissy, stop getting so defensive, really, all we're doing is saying something, it doesn't mean anything and it's an innocent comment, there's no need to get so wound up about it.

Loose weight, if that's what you want, if you don't, don't. I don't care.

Try fitting in with society, I have to, no one knows what I'm thinking really. I could hate every person I know and no one would know. It's called pretending. Pretend you're in a play. A life long play in which you must be normal.

And stop obsessing! I don't care about Twilight. I read it, it was okay, it's not my favourite thing in the world. I don't have to have it on my mind constantly.

Yeah. You fail as a sister.

I fail even more.

I should try harder. But my patience has gone.

I'm a horrible person.

1 comment:

T.M.J said...

You're not a horrible person.
I just think that you've been putting up with whoever it is, by one of the last comments i assume its Daisy, for a very long time.

You can't be expected to put up with everyones shit, yours and hers as well. IT's bound to get on your nerves and you're only human. Monks would probably fail after a while.

It does sound like she needs to lighten up and get a better perspective maybe. Not that i can talk, but whatever.

You probably really really just needed to get this off your mind.
